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  We live in a culture and world today that values doing over being which subsequently keeps our energy forward-moving and far away from being present. This masculine "doing" energy is clearly needed to support action in our lives, but when not balanced with enough "being"/feminine


We are co-creators of our experience. We are the CEO and President of our life. We are the author. Yes. The Universe creates a template for us to find our souls and engage with our lives as a canvas of self-discovery: to discover who we


We often live in a plethora of rules that we have created for ourselves. Here is your permission slip to step out of these rules and to be, to do something else. Think of a current challenge that is weighing on you. Connect with any worry, constriction,


Are you in the driver's seat in your life? Sometimes we think we're steering the wheel, but find that we've allowed a part of ourself-- that "backseat driver" part -- to take over. Yes, you know the annoying backseat driver who thinks they know what's best,