The Gift of Crisis
“There is a crack in everything….that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen
Join me in “The Gift of Crisis Workshop”
Saturday, April 14 9-1pm at Movementlust
It’s counter-intuitive to breathe and stay open in crisis. Our bodies naturally tell us we’re in danger and we constrict, tense up and/or hide as our path to navigate this hard and rocky terrain. We get angry. We scream. Lash out. Cry. Go to bed. Stay in bed.
We definitely need to move through emotions of grief, pain and loss that come with suffering.
The bad news is, the more and longer we do this, the harder it is.
Once we catch our breath and center, we can take a step back and surrender. Surrender does not mean resignation. It means, “I don’t know” and sometimes that’s just what the doctor ordered.
We can find our feet on the earth. Breathe. and yes, breathe again. and listen.
Usually there is wisdom in the Universe. Slow down and pay attention to what the Universe might have for you in your life and learning.
When we can sit with all of the uncertainty and with all of the “not knowing” that’s where wisdom starts to bubble up.
In the mean time, listen and take care of yourself. Radical self care.
And notice the gifts…