Come and join as we honor the cycles of life with the phases of the moon. A full moon — which will occur on Friday, November 19 occurs when the moon appears as a complete circle in the sky. We see it as a full orb because the whole of the side of the moon facing the Earth is lit up by the Sun’s rays.
Having a name for each Full Moon invites us humans to reflect on each season and to contemplate how it affects us AND the natural world around us. November Full Moon is known as the Beaver Moon. This was the time for us humans to set traps before the swamps froze to ensure a good supply of furs for the winter — and a time when the beavers would be most active in their diligent preparation for winter completing their lodges and food stores. For us, we can honor this symbolic time to pause and reflect on the power of being the architects and creators of our own life. This SoulCollage® event will invite us to pause and reflect where we are and what wants to be and use this time to harness the energy as a final motivating push before Winter to create action and transformation in our life.